You may want to think about switching from IE -BBC
You know that huge fucking hole in IE that has had everyone talking lately? The most recent one, I mean. BBC News took that story and put that shit up on its front page, as the highest technology news story: "Serious security flaw found in IE"
I'll forgive their headline writing on this one, which should have gone a little more like,"IE users seriously fucked," or,"IE broken enough to lose second browser war."

It also has a nice little feedback form so you can tell BBC exactly how much IE has a long, painful history of security vulnerabilities and a bad fucking habit of not actually fixing their shit. Just keep the profanity to a minimum if you want to see your comment even get close to published...or pile it in there to give them a good sense of the "FUCK YOU IE AND YOUR USER-RAPING COMPANY" way you might feel.
I'll forgive their headline writing on this one, which should have gone a little more like,"IE users seriously fucked," or,"IE broken enough to lose second browser war."
"Microsoft says it has detected attacks against IE 7.0 but said the "underlying vulnerability" was present in all versions of the browser.One of the nice things about the article, aside from its pure fucking domination of the technology news section, it offers direct links to other browsers for you to download.
Other browsers, such as Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, are not vulnerable to the flaw Microsoft has identified."

It also has a nice little feedback form so you can tell BBC exactly how much IE has a long, painful history of security vulnerabilities and a bad fucking habit of not actually fixing their shit. Just keep the profanity to a minimum if you want to see your comment even get close to published...or pile it in there to give them a good sense of the "FUCK YOU IE AND YOUR USER-RAPING COMPANY" way you might feel.
Labels: ie sucks, internet explorer
December Emergency Microsoft Patch
YourCompany Technology Services has been notified by Microsoft that a serious vulnerability has been identified in versions of Internet Explorer used within the company. As such we are taking immediate action to test and deploy a software patch on Windows machines. This software patch will require your desktop or laptop to be rebooted after it is applied in order to remove the vulnerability. You will be notified through the LANDesk, Altiris or Microsoft computer management applications that this patch is being applied and that you need to reboot your computer.
This flaw can affect you by simply browsing or accessing a Web site. While this company has robust security defenses in place we ask you to be extra cautious browsing Websites over the next several weeks. For additional information on this security vulnerability and other Holiday related scams please click on the attached links below.
Microsoft Security Patch:
Electronic Postcards:
Your continued support of company security and compliance polices and measures are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the Help Desk for your location.
Chief IT Security and Compliance Officer
Nice! At least they bothered patching it in a reasonable time frame once every goddamn newspaper aired their shit-stained laundry to the world.
Not sure which part of that I like the most:
"This software patch will require your desktop or laptop to be rebooted after it is applied in order to remove the vulnerability." for a fucking browser. Oh, wait, no...a core piece of the entire goddamn operating system.
"For additional information on this security vulnerability and other Holiday related scams please click on the attached links below." from the motherfucking Chief IT Security and Compliance Officer, no less. I think I've gotten spam with that exact sentence.
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